Chikitsa Siddhantha (1:15/00)
Importance of Kaya Chikitsa in Astanga Ayurveda, distinct features and identification of Ayurveda Chikitsa. Classification of diseases and diversity of treatment. Various types of Chikitsa, Nidana Parivarjana and Dhatusamya. Chikitsa Anga and Upanga, factors which effects the efficacy of treatment.

Therapeutic approaches, results of treatment, limitation of treatment, types of
Chikitsa, complications of Chikitsa, factors involved in Chikitsa, fundamentals of
treatment of Agni and Ama, shadkriyakala. Treatment for Sthanagata dosha
and Anyasthanagata dosha, treatment for dual doshic and Sannipataja doshic
involvements, treatment for Dhatuvriddhi and Dathu Ksheena, Fundamentals of
treatment for the vitiated Srotas. Rasayana chikitsa, Different types of Rasayana
therapies and therapeutic measures to increase immunity or Vyadhikshamatva.
Vajikarana Chikitsa.
Therapeutic measures (2:15/30)
Detailed description on Ayurveda Abhyanga Krama including Abhyanga techniques (Ayurveda massage) and Murdhani Taila Krama, Shirsha Abhyanga, Sharira Abhyanga, Hasta Abhyanga, Pada Abhyanga, Prushta Abhyanga, Marma Abhyanga, and Kshudra Karma, Keraliya Panchakarma, mud therapy. Therapeutic application of Yoga.