Mufrid Adviya (04:30/60)

Detail study of single drugs with following information, Tibbi Name of the plant, Botanical name, Natural order/Family, Synonyms - English, Tamil, Sinhalese, Arabic, Sanskrit, Mahiyat (Habitat), Parts used in medicine, Mizaj (Temperament),Chemical constituents, Naf 'e Khas (Actions according to Unani concept), Muzir (Side effect), Muslih (Corrective), Badal (Substitute), Afal e Khawas (Usage), Miqdar e Khurak (Dosage), Action and Indication of drugs, Important chemical constituents of medicinal plants, Basic experiments for actions of medicinal plants, Basic practical training of cultivation of medicinal plants


Identification of medicinal plants, Identification of crude drugs (different forms of drugs), Basic chemical analysis of medicinal plants, Practical demonstration at field visits to Botanical gardens

Pharmacology (1:15/00)

The principles and actions of chemical drugs, (Modern drugs) on different systems of the body, Importance of vitamins and minerals, Common medical emergencies, Therapeutic application of drugs on different diseased conditions, Therapeutic applications of drugs in Panchakarma, Efficacy of drugs, Identification of main physical and chemical compounds contain in medicinal plants and their pharmacology, Fundamental of Pharmacology, Nomenclature of modern drugs, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Toxicology, adverse drug reaction and drug interactions, Acute and chronic diseases and there complications and treatments,The legal aspects of drug regulation, The ethical aspects and responsibilities of therapy and experiments, Importance of vitamins, salt and iron in maintaining the health and in the prevention of diseases, Common emergencies