Action, Indications and Chemical Constituents of Drugs (2:15/30)
Action and indication of drugs, important chemical constituents of medicinal plants,Basic experiments for actions of medicinal plants, basic practical training of
cultivation of medicinal plants.
Drug Classification, Standardization and Tissue Culture Techniques
Classification of drugs, mixed classification in Dravyaguna Vignana, PanchashathMaha Kasaya, principles of standardization and quality control of raw materials
and finished drugs, general introduction to tissue culture techniques.
Fundamental of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Drugs (2:15/30)
Introduction and fundamentals of pharmacology, mechanism of pharmacological action of medicinal plants, active principles of medicinal plants, nomenclature of modern drugs, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, basic techniques of in vivo experimental models.
Toxicology, adverse drug reaction and drug interactions, basic principles in tissue
culture. introduction for laboratory techniques, basic tissue culture techniques
used in cultivation of medicinal plants, in vivo experimental studies, identification
of plants and natural products (macroscopic and microscopic).
Principles, Actions and Indication of Chemical Drugs (2:15/30)
The principles and actions of chemical drugs, (modern drugs) on different systems
of the body, Importance of vitamins and minerals, common medical emergencies,
Therapeutic application of drugs on different diseased conditions, therapeutic
applications of drugs in Panchakarma, efficacy of drugs, identification of main
physical and chemical compounds contained in medicinal plants and their
Description and indications of drugs, Principles of drug administration (3:30/30)
Detailed study of medicinal plants, The principles of Prayoga Vignana (drugdministration), route of administration of drugs and Matra (posology). Adverse
drug reactions, complications and treatments, The legal aspects of drug rules
and regulation, The ethical aspects and responsibilities of therapy and experiments,
Detailed study of individual drugs. Educational field tour for identification of medicinal plants. Navinna Bandaranayake Memorial Research Institute, National Botanical Garden – Peradeniya, Haldummulla Herbal Garden, Pattipola Herbal Garden.
Introduction, Classification and Terminology of Rasa Shastra (2:15/30)
Introduction and interpretation of Rasa shastra, Rasa aushada disciple and teacher,Classification of maharasa, uparasa, sadharanarasa, dhatu, upadhatu, rathna,
sudha varga, siktha varga, lavana, kshara ,visha and upa visha according to the
classical texts.
Origin and history of Rasa shastra, the integration of Rasa shastra and Ayurveda
chikithsa (treatment), Paribasha (terminology) of Rasa shastra, Shodhana
(purification) and Marana (incineration) processes, common Rasa drugs used in
Sri Lanka.
Introduction of Basic Principles of Ayurveda Pharmaceutics, Basic Drug Manufacturing Methods and Indications (1:15/00)
Introduction of Bhaisajya Kalpana (Ayurveda pharmaceuticals), The historical development of Bhaisajya Kalpana vignana, basic principles of Ayurveda pharmaceutics, Mana paribhasha (introduction and comparison of conventional measuring, techniques with Metric system, classification of methods of different drug preparations, Panchawida kashaya kalpana, (preparation of decoctions, swarasa (juice), kalka (paste), srutha (kwatha or decoction), hima (cold infusion), and phanta (hot infusion), gutika, vatika, varti and modaka kalpana (pills and tablets).Secondary Drug Manufacturing Methods and Indications(2:15/30)
Churna Kalpana (powders), Sandhana Kalpana (fermented preparations), Sneha kalpana (medicated oil and ghee preparations), Sharkara kalpana (syrup), Avaleha kalpana (confections), Gugul Kalpana, Lavana yoga and and Masi kalpana, Anna kalpana (dietetic preparations), Lepa Yoga, Malahara, field visits to Ayurvedic Drug Coporation.Equipments and Guidelines to Rasa Pharmacy and Rasa Preparations
Rasashala (pharmacy), standardization and analyzing of metallic, mineral andherbo – mineral drugs, Yanthra and Upakarana (equipments) – conventional and
modern, Koshti and Mushas (furnaces and crucibles), Rasa and its preparations,
Maharasa, Visha, Upavisha varga, Sudha varga, preparation of Rasa yoga – Rasa
kajjali, Rasaparpati, Rasasindhura, Rasamanikya, Vajrakshara, Uparasa,
Sadharanarasa, Dhathu, upadhathu.
Precious Stones, Poisonous Plants and Others (1:15/00)
Rathna, uparathna, Visha, upavihsa (poisonous plants), Lavna, kshara, sudhavarga, siktha varga.Special rasa Preparations. Swarnavanga, Gandhakamalahara,
Punarnavamandura, Kaphaketu Rasa, Shvasakutararasa, Ramabhanarasa,
Mruthunjayarasa, Gandhaka druthi, Kasisadi thaila, Gandhaka rasayanaya.
Traditional Drugs, External Applications, Alkali, Solid Extractions and
Indications (2:15/30)
Traditional drug recipes used in Sri Lanka, introduction and methods of preparation of Unani and Siddha drugs, Bahya kalpana (formulations intended for external use), Kshara, sathva kalpana and Ganasara, Khandapaka, Lavana, Sathva Yoga, Aschothana, Kavalagrha, Gandusha, different type of medicinal preparations used for enema, preparation of traditional, Siddha, Unani formulations.Special Preparation Related with Panchakarma Therapy, Drug Standardization, GMP Rules and Regulations (2:15/30)
Pancha Karma Upayoga sanskara, Mukha yoga kalpana – Gandusha; Kavala; prathisarana (mouth wash, gargeles, tooth paste), Nethra yoga and Nasika yoga kalpana, Purva karma and pancha karma yoga, drug standardization and qualitycontrol techniques and introduction of instruments using in drug preparation,
preparation and storage of raw materials and prepared drugs, good Manufactoring practice in herbal medicine, modern techniques used in drug preparation, field visits-selected drug manufacturing factories.