Sisu Paricharya (1:15/00)

Introduction and history of Kaumarabhritya, Bala kala vivarana (Stage of Childhood and classification of age), Navajatha shishu paricharya, Shishu pariksha, Vardhana, Sanvardhana, Danthodbhavaya and Danthodbhawakaleena roga (growth, development and dentition), Bala Sanskara and Raksha karma (child care and preventive measures), Navajatha and Balaka Poshanaya, Sthanya and Stanya vikurthi.

Sisu Vyadhi (2: 15/30)

Sahaja roga (congenital diseases), Navajatha Vyadhi (neonatal disorders) Sankramika roga (infectious diseases) Romanthika, Laghu masoorika, Pashanagardabha, Galarohini, Kukkura kasa, Kuposhana janya roga (malnutrition) Grahani, Mandam, Pakkha.

Balaroga-Navya (1:15/00)

Introduction to the subject, importance of child health, perinatal / neonatal / infant mortality in Sri Lanka, new born child: Examination of a new born, care of new born, pre term and small for date babies, their complications, birth Asphyxia and neonatal resuscitation, acute gastro enteritis, chronic diarrhoeas, upper and lower respiratory tract infections, Childhood tuberculosis and bronchial asthma, anemia in childhood, nutrition – iron deficiency, thalaseamia, diseases related to cardio vascular system: congenital heart diseases – cyanotic and acyanotic, heart failure in infancy and childhood, rheumatic fever, febrile convulsion/ epilepsy/ management of fever, identification of paediatric emergencies, diseases related to urinary system; urinary tract infection, nephrotic syndrome.
Rajo Vignana Yoni Vyapath and Arthava Vyapath (2: 15/30)

Anatomy of female body, female genital track, anatomical specialties of different periods of age in female, menarche and physiology of female genital organs), Rajo vignana – Rajomati, Rithumati, Arthava, Arthava Chakra, Rithumati Paricharya, Anatomy of the reproductive system of women, human ovary and ovulation. Diseases related to female genital tract. Menstrual disorders, Asrukdara, Soma Roga, Raktha Gulma, Granthi, Arbuda, Vandyathva (sub fertility).

Sthana Vyadhi and Other Disease Conditions (2:15/30)

Sthana keelaka, Sthana vidradhi, Sthana granthi and arbuda, Oupasargika Roga (sexual transmitted diseases of women), female mental diseases and treatment, current knowledge and investigation used in gynaecology.
Balaroga – I (2: 15/30)

Bala Jvara (fever), diseases related to Annavaha srothas (gastro intestinal tract), Kirivamanaya, Malabaddaya, Ullogam, Ksheeralasaka, Ajeerna, Ateesara, Chardi, Adhmana, Pandu, diseases related to Pranavaha srothas (respiratory tract), Kasa, Swasa, Ilappu, Pratishya, Peenasa, Thundikeri.

Balaroga – II (2: 15/30)

Charma roga (skin diseases) Ratagaya, Vata Raktha, Charmadala, Ahiputana, Kshudrakushta, Krimi roga (worm infestation), Balaka vata roga (neurological disorders) Pakshaghata, Ardita, Adarangaghata, Sarvangaghata, Sandi roga (diseases of joints) Amavata, Sandi shotha, Abhigathaja roga (traumatic diseases), Graha roga (diseases caused by astrological effects), mental health and related problems in children.
Garbha Vignana, Prasava Vignana and (Labour), Sutika Vignana (2:15/30)

Garbhavakranthi, Garbha Poshana, Masanumasika Vardhanaya, Garbhini
Pareeksha, Garbhini Vignana, Garbhini Lakshana, Sadhyagruhitha/Vyaktha),
Garbhini Paricharya, Garbhini Vyapath, Garbha Vyapath (fetal disorders), Garbha
Srava, Garbha Patha, Leenagarbha, Upavishtaka, Garbha, Nagodara Garbha,
Moodha Garbha. Prasava Vignana (labour),Sutika Vignana, (puerperium,
puerperal care and disorders) Garbhanirodhaka Karma (contraceptive methods
in Ayurveda).

Prasuti Navya (4: 45/30)

Anatomy of the reproductive system of women, the human ovary and ovulation,
gametogenesis and development of the embryo (embryology),antenatal care and maternal adaptation to pregnancy, fetal disorders, diseases of pregnant mothers, abortions, premature labour, antipartum hemorrhages, PIH, diabetes mellitus, nausea, vomiting. Normal labour and labour care, disorders relined to labour, puerperium stage and puerperal care. Diseases related to pueperium, contraceptive methods, gynecological malignancies, current knowledge on
investigation used in obstetrics, sexual transmitted diseases, sub fertility (male/