Embryology, Upper limb Thorax and Abdomen (3:15/60)
Introduction of anatomy. Embryology. Upper limb. Back of neck, scapular region and shoulder. Arm and cubital fossa, forearm. The hand, joints of upper limb. Surface anatomy, intercostal space, pleura and lungs, mediastinum, its divisions and contents, heart and pericardium, autonomic nerves. Anterior abdominal wall, aabdominal viscera, kidney, ureter, suprarenal glands, diaphragm and posterior abdominal wall, lumbar plexus, aorta and its branches, inferior vena cava, autonomic nerves, applied anatomyBody fluids, Digestive, Respiratory and Urinary system (3:30/30)
Bodyfluid: Divisions, percentage, location, mechanism of formation and exchange.complication, oedema, dehydration. Digestive system: Component of the balanced
diet and their role. Digestion of carbohydrates, protein and fat. functions of nose,
mechanism of respiration, exchange of gases, control of breathing changes in
respiration in high altitude, hypoxia, anoxia, asphyxia, cyanosis, artificial respiration.
Kidney – structure, blood supply and functions, urine – normal and abnormal
constituents, oliguria, anuria and polyuria, renin angiotensin mechanism, clearance
Arrangement of pelvic viscera and pelvic peritoneum in the female and male,perineum, urogenital trangal and anal trangal, scrotum, testis, urogenital organs
and other structures, pelvic viscera, ureter in the pelvis, urinary bladder, male –
ductus deferens, prostate, seminal vesicle and urethra, female – uterus, broad
ligament, fallopian tube, ovary, vagina, sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal,
pelvic wall muscles, vascular and nervous supply, applied anatomy.
Cardiovascular system, Hematology, Endocrine and Reproductive systems
Structure and properties of heart muscles, cardiac potentials, E.C.G., pressure inheart and vessels, circulation, heart sounds, heart rate, cardiac out put, pulmonary
circulation and other special regions, capillaries and vascular responses of the
skin. Blood composition, functions, red blood cells, haemoglobin. White blood
cells, platelets, anemia, jaundice and applied haematology endocrine system:
Hormones, functions, hyper secretion and hypo secretion of hypothalamus, pituitary
gland, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pancreas. Reproductive system: Male and
female reproductive system.
Ayurveda Shareera Rachana I (1:15/00)
Sharira Vyakya – categories of Sharira, preservation and dissection of dead bodies.Abhinivriththi Sharira, Garbha Sharira Rachana, Pramana Sharira, Sankhya
Ayurveda Shareera Rachana II (1:15/30)
Asthi, Sandi, Snayu and Peshi Sharira Rachana. Srotas, Dhamani and ShiraSharira Rachana, Koshtha, Koshthanga, Ashaya and Kala Sharira Rachana
Uttamangiya Sharira Rachana, Marma Sharira Rachana (vital points), Indriya
Vignana, utilization of anatomical knowledge for Dasha vidha Pariksha.
Ayurveda Shareerakriya
Physiological role of Tridosha, Agni, Mala, and Ojas in various parts of the body.
Concept of human physique and its classification according to Ayurveda and
modern concepts and its clinical importance.
Physiological aspect of Shrotas: Pranavaha Shortasa, Annavaha Shrotasa,
Udakavaha Shrotasa, Rasvaha Shrotasa Raktavaha Shrotasa, Mansavaha
Shrotasa, Medovaha Shrotasa, Asthivaha Shrotasa, Majjavaha Shrotasa, Shukra
and Aarthavavaha Shrotasa, Sweda, Mutra and Purishavaha Shrotasa, Manovaha
Shrotasa, special sensory organs, Satmyaya and Asatmyaya.